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Our Portfolio
Hunt Alberta
Public Website dynamic content
Hunt Alberta
Project Description
Hunt Alberta required the design and technical experise to create and publish an online directory for Outfitters and their respective allocations.
Corporate Brand corporate logo - Corporate Logo
Project Description required a brand that would professionally represent their business.
Public Website w/ aStore
My Sanctuary, Integrated Calendar
with and
Community Posts
A New Earth - Website
Project Description
This website was created to promote the spiritual teachings of Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth. In order to build a community of members, interested visitors can sign up to a members based enewsletters. Members have access to their personalized "My Sanctuary". We are working on developing a system for video conferencing and webinars which will extend the teachings through the internet for small to large groups to have inreactive online discussions. Members and non-members are able to purchase books, CDs, and DVDs of their favorite spiritual teachers.
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 2.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 1.0, 2.0
- Minimum width - 1024px
Server Side
Public Website w/ Interactive Photo
Gallery and Integrated Calendar with - Website
Project Description
This website was created to promote two rental properties on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii. In order to encourage rental bookings, we created a dynamic Photo Gallery (using AJAX), an online availability calendar (integrated with 3rd party system), and an email contact form. The website was designed to be simple yet appealing to show visitors the benefits of visiting the island.
Technical Specifications
User side
- AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1280px
Server Side
- ASP. NET 3.5
- XML database
Corporate Brand corporate
logo and business cards - Corp Logo and Business Cards
Project Description required a brand that would professionally represent their business.
Website w/ Dynamically
Driven Inventory module, Interactive
Calculator, Hot Reviews, Credit
Application and Admin Panel - Website
Project Description
Description will be provided soon
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1040px
Server Side
Public Website with a two page
Credit Application email form - Website
Project Description is a prelude to the initial site launch of By creating
a mini site prior to completing the main website, we are able to create website traffic and allow the search engines to start indexing our site.
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1024px
ComplyWorks Ltd.
Website w/ Dynamically
Driven Current Communications and
Latest News, Member Access to the
Canadian HSE Registry
ComplyWorks Ltd. - Website
Project Description
This website was created to promote the new corporate identity of ComplyWorks Ltd. Formerly known as Canadian HSE Registry, ComplyWorks wanted to expand into a larger market internationally. In Phase I, we designed the layout focussed on their three categories of clients (Employers, Contractors, and Workers). We also included access for their existing members to the Registry and Online Orientations. In Phase II, we have implemented a Content Management System (CMS) that will allow staff to update each page of the website via a secure access panel. In Phase III, we have implemented a multi-lingual functionality to the CMS.
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1040px
Server Side
- ASP. NET 3.5 (via Mono)
Face To Face Webinars
Corporate Brand corporate
logo and business cards
Face To Face Webinars - Corporate Logo and Business Cards
Project Description
Face to Face Webinars required a brand that would professional represent their business. In developing their corporate logo, we wanted a visual representation of people coomunicating with each other face to face. We also designed their two sided business cards.
Face To Face Webinars
Webinar web conferencing system
Face To Face Webinars - Webinar Conferencing System
Project Description
This system was created to enhance face to face communications over the internet with both streaming video and audio between groups of individuals. We utilized Adobe Flash Media Server as a base architecture to develop a custom application that includes three seperate User Interfaces for Participants, Presenters and Moderators. The system was designed to be a medium for online presentations with interactivity with participants. Similar to a Producer on a Radio / TV show, the system also includes a Moderator which manages the active video and interviews participants.
Technical Specifications
User side
- Flash - 10, ActionsScript 3.0
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Resolution - any (Vector Graphics)
Server Side
- ASP. NET 3.5 Webservice
- FMS 3.0
- Action ServerSide scripts
Website built w/
Joomla, Multilingual,
Interactive Nav, YouTube
Videos and Blog
GreenEarth.Travel - Website
Project Description
Description will be provided soon
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1040px
Server Side
- Joomla
- Rewritten syncronization top banner with menu
Humboldt Capital Corporation
Print annual report
Humboldt Capital Corporation - Annual Report
Project Description
Humboldt Capital Corporation required a design for their Annual Report.
Matt Plumbing and Heating Ltd.
Corporate Brand logo
and business cards
Matt Plumbing and Heating Ltd. - Corp Logo and Business Cards
Project Description
Matt Plumbing and Heating Ltd. required a brand that would professionally represent their business.
Navitas Smart Systems Inc.
Corporate Brand corporate
Navitas Smart Systems Inc. - Corporate Logo
Project Description
Navitas Smart Systems Inc. required a brand that would professionally represent their business.
Online Community for Big Game
Hunters w/ Dynamically Driven Photo
Gallery, Photo Comments / Ratings
and Members Only Area - Online Community
Project Description
This website was created to encourage big game hunters to join and become a Member of In order to encourage visitors, we created an interactive photo manager system (using Flash Flex), dynamically generated photo manager to display the "Most Viewed" and "Recently Added", ability for visitors to comments and rate each individual photo and allow visitors to refer their facvorite photo galleries to their buddies. The website was designed to be interactive to maintain and retain website traffic.
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1280px, Best Viewed with width - 1400px
- jQuery
- ShadowBox (customized)
- SEO - URL Rewriting Technology (friendly like urls)
Server Side
- ASP. NET 3.5
- Adobe Flex 3
Corporate Brand corporate
logo and business cards - Corporate Logo and Business Cards
Project Description required a brand that would professional represent their business. In developing their corporate logo, we wanted to represent the spritual experience of enlightenment. We also designed their two sided business cards.
Website w/ Dynamically
Driven Latest News and full CMS - Website
Project Description
Description will be provided soon.
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6 and above, Firefox >= 3.0, Safari >=3, Chrome >=2.0
- Minimum width - 1040px
Server Side
- ASP. NET 3.5 (via Mono)
Trophy Hunters Alberta Inc.
Website w/ Flash Clouds,
Dynamically Driven Photo Gallery,
eShop, Photo Comments / Ratings,
Google Maps, and Members Only Area
Trophy Hunters Alberta Inc. - Website
Project Description
This website was created to promote big game hunts to non-residents of Alberta. In order to encourage hunt bookings, we created a graphic rich website that is optimized in high screen resolution. Throughout the website, we used Flash Clouds to display rotating images and Brochure Magnifier to interact with visitors. To maximize site retention we also included a dynamic photo gallery which allows visitors to comment and rate individual photos. We created special WMUs customized for Google Maps to offer both satellite imagery and topographical views of each of the hunting areas. We also integrated an eShop with Amazon aStores to provide a full service online website.
Technical Specifications
User side
- jQuery
- ShadowBox (customized)
- Flash - 9
- GoogleMaps Integration
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1040px, Optimized for width - 1400px
Server Side
Tuscany Energy Ltd.
Corporate Brand corporate
logo and business cards
Tuscany Energy Ltd. - Corporate Logo and Business Cards
Project Description
Tuscany Energy Ltd. required a brand that would professionally represent their business.
Tuscany Energy Ltd.
Print annual report
Tuscany Energy Ltd. - Annual Report
Project Description
Tuscany Energy Ltd. required a design for their Annual Report.
Tuscany Energy Ltd.
Corporate Brand PowerPoint
Tuscany Energy Ltd. - PowerPoint Presentation
Project Description
Tuscany Energy Ltd. required a design for their PowerPoint presentations.
Tuscany Energy Ltd.
Website w/ Dynamically
Driven Press Releases module and Admin Panel
Tuscany Energy Ltd. - Website
Project Description
Description will be provided soon.
Technical Specifications
User side
- Browser Compatability - IE 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3.0 to 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Chrome 2.0
- Minimum width - 1040px
Server Side